
Showing posts from July, 2023

How To Avoid Making Same mistakes In Trading

How To Avoid Making Same Mistakes In Trading Embrace losses Losses and winnings are a siamese twin in trading. You can't have one without the other. Your success in trading is dependent on how much you accept the inevitables- losses. Each trade will end up either a win or a loss. What are the odds the trade you are about to take is a win? Much depends on how much you stack in your favour.  You should read the article 5 Things To Do Before Taking Your Next Trade: You have to tilt the odds in your favour. And this is where thinking in probabilities comes in. Your odds of getting a win should be more than the loses. Or the weighted wins must be more than the weighted loses. Accepting and embracing the lose even before taking the trade is sure way of showing respect for your capital.  And your capital in turn will work for you in the longer term. Be positive. Focus on the wins even when the losses are there. Move quickly from a lose. Ensure to plan for a b

Five Must Do Things Before Taking Your Next Trade

1. Check if You Have an Edge and How Strong Is Your Edge?  What are the chances that your next trade is going to be a win? What to consider. Is this the best time to trade?:  Timing is key in your trade entry. If you place a time when the volume or liquidity  is low, there is a chance you will stay longer than usual waiting for take profit to hit, if ever.  Tiredness or boredom may set-in even before the real action  begins.  So you want to avoid staying too long in a trade. This is most especially true if you are a day trader. When you are tired or bored, your judgement will be flawed. And your executions- trade exit will be undermined. Hence you want to patiently wait till there is volume to suport your setup, and exit when the volume is low, or when your set-up dictate it. Is this the best place: This is where your understanding of technical analysis is crucial if you enter at the wrong place, the market will first pull you in the opposite direction before it will then begin to go